Ramadan Mubarak Quotes and Messages Ramadan Mubarak Quotes and Messages… Ramadan is about to come soon and bless us all. This year we should all make it a point to do as much good as we can 0 1883 24 Nisan 2020 DEVAMI
Motivational Quotes You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality 0 1442 16 Nisan 2020 DEVAMI
Rain Quotes For some, rain brings a lot of memories to them, either sad or happy but it does. It is quite the best weather to reminisce some of the memories worth remembering. You 0 1336 10 Nisan 2020 DEVAMI
World Health Day Quotes The World Health Day is a universal health awareness day that is celebrated every year on 7th April. It’s a day that is sponsored by the World Health Organazation (WHO). Below are 0 1104 6 Nisan 2020 DEVAMI
Quarantine Quotes The Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak has been devastating, globally. Of that, we can all agree. With the casualties rising, worrying press conferences, small businesses shuttering for the foreseeable and an over-extended health service, 0 858 4 Nisan 2020 DEVAMI
Night Quotes Famous Night Quotes Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always Dante Alighieri Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the 0 1048 24 Eylül 2019 DEVAMI
Sky Quotes In this article we arranged some of the best sky quotes for you. You can share these beautiful quotes on your social media accounts or share them with your loved ones as 0 1117 23 Mayıs 2019 DEVAMI
Rose Quotes Roses are special flowers with which people are enchanted by both their scent and their look throughout the ages. Moreover they’re among the most meaningful flowers which we give them to 0 918 20 Mayıs 2019 DEVAMI
Daisy Quotes Daisies are the loveliest way to express the feelings of an uncertain nature of a lover who cannot take himself from playing “loves me loves me not” all day long to 0 1261 17 Mayıs 2019 DEVAMI